5 tips on how to use B2B platforms properly as a distributor
The rapid digitalization of procurement processes is leading more and more buyers to B2B platforms, which offer huge potential for wholesalers, manufacturers and suppliers. But how can I tell if a platform is right for me? And how do I market my products particularly successfully? Read the answers to these questions in our five tips.
Online trading between companies using platforms and marketplaces is booming, with no end to this boom in sight. The benefits of digital distribution platforms are compelling for suppliers and buyers alike – and not only since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic: digital solutions speed up procurement processes in the company and make it easier for distributors to sell industrial goods, operating materials and C parts without having to have the relevant contacts in the same place
As the number of B2B platforms increases, choosing the right solution is increasingly becoming a challenge for distributors. We shed light on the issue and provide wholesalers, manufacturers and suppliers with five helpful tips to save frustration, time and money in the following article.
1. Making the right choice: which B2B trading platform suits me best?
Not all platforms are created equal: some providers focus on an industry-specific offering, while others excel at providing good advice on everything from system connectivity to process optimization. To make sure they make the right choice, online distributors should ask themselves the following questions when looking for the right B2B platform:
- Does the platform appeal to my target groups?
- What will happen to my data and my customers’ data?
- Does the platform work on a neutral basis or are the products of certain distributors proposed as a matter of priority?
- What are the implementation costs?
- How easy is it to connect the platform to my existing processes?
2. Maping workflows: the appropriate role for your digital sales
To ensure successful online sales, it is important for distributors to be able to quickly connect the selected platform to their existing sales structures and business models. Instead of being squeezed into a fixed corset of only a few options, distributors should be aware of which role on the platform is the most promising for them in advance:
Role A: The platform as an intermediary
Wholesalers, manufacturers and suppliers distribute their products to the platform, which then handles sales to end customers. This allows the distributor to focus on shipping goods to customers, while the platform processes purchase orders and creates invoices.
Role B: The platform as a digital interface
The distributors act as independent agents on the platform and attend to existing and new customer contacts online. Ideally, individual relationships can even be transferred to the system exactly as they are in reality. The companies retain their pricing sovereignty, assortment selection and T&Cs and do not hand these over to the platform.
3. Preparing product data: Don’t search....find:
It is only if products are presented attractively and with all of the relevant information that distributors can reap the benefits that e-commerce has to offer. This allows them to increase product visibility and make products easier to find, make buyers’ lives easier and set a distributor apart from its peers.
Data quality is the be-all and end-all in B2B online commerce. Only well-informed buyers are in a position to make good purchasing decisions. You need to find, not search. When distributors are preparing their product data for sales platforms, they should be sure to list the following details:
- Information on product availability and delivery times
- Manufacturer’s EAN number and item number
- Photos and videos, where appropriate
- Clear product titles and descriptions
- Technical information and product features
- Correct assignment to the brand and category
4. Clarify the connection details early on: how the platform ties in with your IT
The company's own products have now been prepared in an exemplary manner and product images have been added. But how do I ensure that the platform's system can process this information? And who transmits the product data and availability information to the platform? If they want to ensure successful online sales, we recommend that distributors address the technical requirements of the platform early on – working hand-in-hand with their own IT and accounting departments. They should clarify whether the items are classified based on the same standards (e.g. ECLASS), who will be responsible for updating their own data master, and whether they want to transmit order documents, such as shipping confirmations or invoices, via an EDI or WebEDI interface.
Depending on the platform, an EDI test connection can be implemented independently of the preparation of the product data, meaning that progress can be made in this area in parallel. Cloud applications (WebEDI) are ideal for smaller distributors with less experience in electronic data exchange. Anyone using this sort of connection saves the effort involved in interface mapping and can be connected to a platform more quickly. The drawback: in order to process the orders and enter them into their own shop system, companies have to prepare for additional manual transfer work. So pay attention to whether the platform allows access via a WebEDI interface and also allows you to switch easily to an EDI interface.
5. Making the most of personal advice: expert knowledge pays off
Digital B2B platforms do not make face-to-face consultation sessions obsolete. On the contrary: in the fast-paced world of e-commerce, suppliers, manufacturers and wholesalers sell particularly well when they have a fixed point of contact who is on hand to provide support and advice during every phase in the sales process. Whether your concern relates to the connection to your own systems or selecting the right role: distributors should work with platform experts to decide how to connect their sales organization in the most beneficial way.
With the help of these five tips, there's nothing standing in your way when it comes to selecting a platform. Find a solution today that fits your business, your customers, and your sales processes.
Do you have further questions about the connection, the most important platform features or how to optimize your online trading? Then get in touch with our contacts at Wucato who will be happy to help you digitalize your sales.
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